Dear colleagues,
Not really a bug, somethings got disconnected in the menu options.
I tried to adjust the Type menu option to try to see the true scale of the loaded model, but was not able to do it in the 2.2.9 dev version of Prepomax as those options are dimmed.
I tried loading the same model in version 2.2 and it works as expected.
Should be an easy fix to activate the option again.
Thanks Matej, and best regards,
Fernando Lorenzo
It was reported and has been fixed in version 2.2.10
Thanks for your answer Arnie!
Hmm, I must say that using PrePoMax for some dummy test cases, it still happened to me one more time. Even in the new version. Opening up the animation form helped. However, it seems there is still a situation where it does not work correctly.
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Yes, in fact it happened to me today on version 2.2.10