I’m new to the application, but really liking the result. For me though the one frustrating thing has been selection of surfaces in preparation (pre), and probing nodes/elements in post. I have a shape like a tophat, where the brim is pulled away from the top so to speak, in bending/shear. There are fillets down in the corners. I wanted to do a mesh refinement early on, which I did get done. But weirdly, it wouldn’t select the fillet on the inside radius just by clicking on it. I had to do a box-select from a side view to get it to select, which seemed really odd and limiting to me. The same thing happens in post once I have results. I can hover over nodes away from there, towards the OD of the brim feature, and fairly quickly the nodal stress information box will pop up, but if I hover over that inner radius, it never recognizes it. Image of the geometry uploaded. This was looking at 1st principal stress, but regardless, I can probe any node basically up there in the blue brim area, but the large fillet underneath, the orange to red, I can’t probe. I can leave the mouse hovered over a node for 20 minutes and it never is recognized. Is this a system/driver issue, or something tied to software? Is there a setting I am missing somewhere that affects sensitivity of hover-over selection?
Which version of PrePoMax are you using ? Can you make a short recording showing how you try to select that without success ?
I can do a recording yes… where should I post?
latest, v 2.2.0 stable.
You should be able to upload a gif directly here. If the format is unsupported (or the file is too large), try using some hosting website and pasting the link here.
Hope this works to illustrate. I can probe over the nodes on the OD of the part, but the orange parts, and basically everything below it won’t pop up. Same thing happens if I am in geometry. Will post image of that separately.
Here’s one trying to add a mesh refinement. When I hover over the lower convex fillet, it will highlight, but none of the other surfaces are selectable. The way I did it was to change to “Surface Angle” - I set to 0 degrees, and used a window select from direct side view.
Sorry - that’s not how I got it to work. I got it to work like this:
I should also add, yes I know I could model as axis symmetric. In this state anyway. The simulation has a single surface traction acting uniformly all around, but the next analysis would have a moment placed and I would need at least 1/2 the item in question and really all to compare (stress will not be axis symmetric any more).
i have similar experience also, some workaround can help in model by keep away windows menus from part displayed. However, still a bit laggy and time delays in result, simple clicking item several times to make it convenient in works.