Section View - Show Solid Elements at Cut-Plane

Good day,

I would like to propose a feature to toggle on visibility of 3D elements (at the cut-plane) when taking a section view, if it’s possible.
This would go a long way to understand the shapes (and aspect ratios) of meshed elements inside a solid as you move the cut-plane.

Thank you.

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Do you mean something like this (prepared in FreeCAD) ?

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@FEAnalyst Yes, exactly like this.

This is also possible in ParaView (postprocessing in FreeCAD FEM module is based on that software). If you want to give it a try just convert the .frd file generated by CalculiX to .vtk and use the Clip filter with the “Crinkle clip” option checked in ParaView.

@FEAnalyst I understand; but it is a feature I would like to see within PPM, if possible.

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That is something that would be nice to see, I agree. I have it written down.