Shell (2D) Elements & Plot Features

Good day,

If possible, I would like to propose a feature to plot the results of 2D shells found in some commercial software.

You will note below that the user has the ability to pick which shell results (Top/Middle/Bottom) are required at a mouse click and it’s not necessary to re-run the entire Step analysis with a Field Output request set to 2D.

I’m not sure if it’s possible taking into account how CalculiX treats shells and what it provides as output for these elements. Maybe this should be requested on the CalculiX forum.

there’s US3 for classical shell element (improved), the output can be request by:


however, it’s fairly new implementation and has many limited capabilities.

for expanded shell element, may this possible inside PrePoMax as post processor since both outer surfaces values available, some further i’m not really sure is in mid surface (mix output 3D & 2D)…

As I understand the internal workings of the CalculiX, the 3D view shows the whole computed stress field while the 2D view shows the interpolated stress field in the middle of the solid elements.

I thought about showing the results of the 3D view in a shell like way. The easiest way would be to reduce the thickness/collapse 3D extruded elements into their thinner versions. But I think this process would not work when using a multi-layer shell definition. There, a single shell is expanded into multiple solid elements of different thicknesses. Then this procedure gets much more complicated.

thank you for the hints, also interested in layered shell (composite) and non uniform layer thickness of composite shell element.

may another approach is required, each layer need to be categories as a part so it can be hiding when user needed to view inside.

below an example visualization of concrete beam as in CalculiX documentation (p.72) and i reproduce the problem using solid element.

currently is possible using layered shell element with composite options, PrePoMax separated each layer in visualization which can be hides.