Cut CAD model for simmetry modeling

Hi, this is something that normally is part of the CAD workflow, but having the posibility of cutting the CAD imported parts in half/quarters (at least by the reference planes) integrated in PrePoMax could be very interesting for simmetric parts.


FreeCAD has interesting approach in this regard:

Basically, there’s a tool that internally performs a boolean cut with properly sized cube. This tool also serves as a workaround for the lack of section view feature that doesn’t make the solids look hollow.


I was thinking in a similiar concept, having stored in somewere a big cube and doing a crude boolean cut.

I must admit that this tool in FreeCAD fails sometimes due to the limitations of OCC boolean operations. But it’s really useful in general. Could be a problem with STL and shell models though.

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I think cutting a CAD geometry with a plane should also be possible.

For .stl files, I think I could use the VTK. It has many features for working with triangulated meshes.