A few small features for convenience

If you don’t mind, in this topic I’d like to make a few requests for rather small features that could be added in the future for convenience (I don’t want to create a separate topic for each idea to avoid unnecessary mess):

  1. Shortcuts (buttons) for these existing options available from the Tools menu:
    a) Probe values (Tools → Query → Point/Node)
    b) Undeformed with color contours (currently, there is only Deformed with color contours and Undeformed/Deformed without contours)

  2. Access to Tools → Settings menu before a new model is created (sometimes you just want to configure something and leave PrePoMax)

  3. Possibility to close the Model Properties window without creating a new model (so you would go back to the state right after opening PrePoMax) - currently, the Close button has no effect and it’s necessary to click OK so that a new model is created

  4. Query → Distance tool taking into account reference points

  5. Perspective view on/off

  6. Possibility to configure buttons used for navigation in 3D space (maybe in form of a few presets) - for example, laptop users could benefit from some shortcuts like Alt+Touchpad to Rotate

  7. Possibility to change the size of text and icons (they can be too small with some screen resolutions)

  8. Option to save screenshots containing just the viewport (like File → Print in Abaqus)

  9. Maybe optional display of symmetry axis for axisymmetric models


Possibility to query a node or element by using ID?