Unable to select individual face of solid element


i try to do manually selection of individual face of solid element, however currently this can not be possible.

select Surface or Face angle options does not change the behavior. any suggestion? or i miss something.

thank you.

It should work if you select “Face angle” and set it to 0.

with options Face angle=0 options makes the whole flatten surface’s selected. this similar to Surface options, however i only need to select several face of solid element.

an example i do in CalculiX GraphiX is using ‘qadd setname’ then key ‘f’

maybe the behavior of PrePoMax interfaces in mesh based selection need to consider to be changes, Surface menus should be Face instead to enable select a face of individual solid element.

Do you want to create a node set or a surface ? For the latter, you can just choose Element and select individual elements to get their external faces.

selection the inner boundaries from imported mesh is common task, it can be node or face for the purpose of redefining support, load, contact, etc.

however, it’s not possible or enable in PrePoMax. i mean only select one face instead of four from individual solid element.

I think I was able to do it once setting a negative Face angle.


now i know, it does the tricks. thanks for the hint.

That is a nice find. I did not know this works :slight_smile: Maybe this could be posted in the Tips&Tricks.

If you can create a node-set based on a mesh selection, you can later create a surface out of it. Sometimes this can help to create such selections.

I will mention this in the next version of the documentation.