Displaying Results of Specific Scoped Geometry

Good day,

Is there a way to plot analysis results of a specific part/surface/element/nodes of obscured geometry in a complete assembly (or compound part)?

For example, using mid-surfaces (shell elements) in the analysis results plot below, the results indicate that the maximum VM stress is at the interface. However, the detail cannot be displayed because it is hidden by the plate thickness of the gusset. I suppose a similar situation would also apply if I was using solid geometry (and solid mesh).

I thought that using “History Output” feature could help with this, but have not succeeded. Perhaps I am not defining something correctly.

Would be helpful if someone could provide some guidance here.

Thank you.

For shell models, you can request field output in 2D form. You may also use section views and hide/show each part forming the assembly. Unfortunately, individual elements cannot be hidden.

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Ahh, thank you so much. Changing the ‘Field Output’ to 2D is exactly what I was looking for - see screenshot below.
It’s a pity though that you need to re-run the analysis to get the 2D plot. It’s fine for simple models, but would be tedious for large models. It would be nice to have the 2D field output automatically for shell elements and we could just toggle an icon on/off to display it (like other commercial software).

I noted that the results are different and assume that it plots the mid-plane results and not top/bottom. Not sure if the PrePoMax manual has this info, but will look into the details.

This is something to be found in the CalculiX manual. Here’s what it says:

Element quantities, requested by *EL PRINT are stored in the integration points of the expanded elements. Default storage for quantities requested by the *NODE FILE and *EL FILE is in the expanded nodes. This has the advantage that the true three-dimensional results can be viewed in the expanded structure, however, the nodal numbering is different from the shell nodes. By selecting OUTPUT=2D the results are stored in the original shell nodes. The same averaging procedure applies as for the *NODE PRINT command.


If OUTPUT=3D, the 1d and 2d elements are stored in their expanded three-dimensional form. In particular, the user has the advantage to see his/her 1d/2d elements with their real thickness dimensions. However, the node numbers are new and do not relate to the node numbers in the input deck. Once selected, this parameter is active in the complete calculation. If OUTPUT=2D the fields in the expanded elements are averaged to obtain the values in the nodes of the original 1d and 2d elements. In particular, averaging removes the bending stresses in beams and shells.

So the 2D output plots the membrane stresses and the 3D output plots the bending stresses ?

Yes, according to the documentation 2D output shows only membrane stresses (and thus the default for beams and shells is 3D output). However, I think that 3D output shows all the stress components.