I would like to request some more options of screen selection appart from the rectangular .
Circle for example.
I am using VTK to select objects in 3D, and a quick look at the VTK documentation did not result in a cylindrical picker class (only a rectangular area picker).
I could compound multiple area pickers into a cylinder…
Sometimes circular drag shape can be useful e.g. to select nodes on circular edges or cylindrical faces:
Abaqus also has polygonal drag shape.
Why not use edge selection or face selection in such cases? How do you precisely position the circle center in the circle selection?
Good questions. This simple example is from Abaqus introductory course and it could be done with other selection methods as well. Perhaps I should have used a different example like selecting something from multiple instances of a circular pattern. Or just selecting more than one layer of elements here.
Positioning of the starting point is indeed tricky but usually needs to be done only roughly (of course, it may depend on the density of the mesh, for instance).
I’m thinking in this common situation for example. I can’t find an easy way to select the washer area. (See pic)
Seems Prepomax is Geometry oriented more than mesh oriented when selecting. It forces to partition the geometry in advance and many times one cannot simply select a surface region, even with the square selection box. If the mesh is well structured there shouldn’t be any need to go back and partition.
If circle is not available maybe that tool where you can “paint” a mesh area and select with a paintbrush.
manualy selection of individual face of solid element seems not convenient to use, geometry based on partition can be done faster. My example in partition of washer boundaries has been simplified by eight side polygons to generate the most uniform mesh results.
You can change the selection method from geometry to mesh using the More button on the Set Selection form. Then you can select individual mesh items.
Rectangle selection tool doesn’t work for suface , edge and face in the FE Mesh based selection. It deactivates. At least for me.
That is expected behavior, but I forgot why exactly. I can look into it to determine if I can make it work with area selection.