Plot of residuals for convergence in PrePoMax

Hello. I would like to ask for implementation of a plot to see how convergence is doing when the analysis is running. I saw that MecWay has it, and would be nice if PrePoMax had it as well. In very large simulations, it is helpful to see graphically the development of convergence, and the .cvg file that CalculiX generates already has this values, it would only be needed to implement a plot of it (not sure if it is time consuming to do this).

Here I attach an image which represents what I am talking about (originally posted by MichaelPE in this thread of CalculiX discourse forum).

Best regards,

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The convergence is shown in the Convergence tab in a text form in the Monitor window at the moment. The next step will be the addition of a graphical representaion.


Yes, the graphical representation would be awesome for
analyzing convergence of big projects (or even small projects with high complexity)

When you get time to look it , it will be awesome.
Thank you for the great software Matej, keep it up.

Thanks for interested, seeing residual forces from graphical plot is easy than reading text at convergence steps