How to use restart

I found a way to restart in this post. I can reproduce the operation using the calculix interface, but I cannot implement it using the prepomax interface. Can someone guide me?

How to use *restart? - CalculiX (official versions are on, the official GitHub repository is at

  1. Prepare 2 set of data files and name them as ex. step_1.inp and step_2.inp

  2. Copy step_1.inp to step.inp
    “step_1.inp” holds the original geometri & load for 1’st run

  3. Run ccx -i step

  4. Copy step.frd to step_1.frd
    “step.frd” holds output specified in the cards “*node file” & “*element file” for 1’st step

  5. Copy step.rout to step.rin
    “step.rout” holds the stiffness matrice, strains & deformed geometri from first run

  6. Copy step_2.inp to step.inp
    “step_2.inp” holds load for 2’nd run expected to be added to 1’st result

  7. Run ccx -i step

  8. Copy step.frd to step_2.frd
    “step.frd” holds output specified in the cards “*node file” & “*element file” for 2’nd step

Result from step 1 will be in step_1,frd and step2 in step_2.frd

Restart is currently not supported in PrePoMax GUI. You can add its keywords using the Keyword Editor but it also requires renaming files. Isn’t it easier to prepare the .inp files with PrePoMax, submit them using standalone CalculiX and postprocess in PrePoMax ? It’s a common approach even in the case of Abaqus which supports restart in GUI.