Good afternoon everyone. I am having some issues using the *RESTART keyword. I followed the procedure explained here ( *RESTART ) but I got this error message:

At line 78 of file restartshort.f (unit = 15, file = ‘My_job_name.rin’)
Fortran runtime error: End of file

I obtained the .rin file by copying and renaming the .rout I got from a precedent job. Thank you in advance for any help!

Hard to say without seeing your files but are you sure the names are correct ?

For a subsequent restart job with name jobname_new.inp'' the jobname.rout’’ file must be renamed into ``jobname_new.rin’'.

Be careful with jobname and jobname_new.

Also, make sure that *RESTART keyword are properly defined. Especially *RESTART, READ in the second file. It should be the first keyword after *HEADING and only followed by a step definition.

Compare your setup with the examples from the documentation (beamread, beamwrite).

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