A new developer/preview PrePoMax version v2.1.7 has been released

A new release version of the PrePoMax contains the following FEM features:

  • improvement of the .dat file reader
  • bug fixes

And the following user features:

  • coordinate systems are now highlighted when selected during the creation of BCs and loads
  • history (for regeneration) was updated to include commands for analysis and commands for postprocessing; regeneration can now be done for the model commands only (the commands for analysis and commands for postprocessing are not regenerated) or for all commands
  • support for command line parameters was improved
  • additional .exe file called PrePoMaxCmd.exe was added, which starts PrePoMax as a command line application
  • both PrePoMax executable files can be used with command line parameters, but PrePoMaxCmd.exe should be used for running PrePoMax in batch mode
  • bug fixes



The following command line options are supported:

-f, --file; File name to be opened/imported.

-g, --showGui; (Default: Yes) Show Graphical User Interface [Yes | No]. No can only be used for regeneration.

-r, --regenerate; A .pmx file name to be used for regeneration. A work directory -w can be defined for regeneration. If no work directory is defined the current directory is used . All files needed during regeneration (geometry, mesh) must be located in the work directory.

-u, --unitSystem; Unit system type to be used when importing [M_KG_S_C | MM_TON_S_C | M_TON_S_C | IN_LB_S_F | UNIT_LESS].

-w, --workDirectory; A directory path to be used as work directory.

-x, --exitAfterRegeneration; (Default: Yes) Exit PrePoMax after regeneration [Yes | No].

–help; Display this help screen.

–version; Display version information.


To do some automation, PrePoMax can be run from the command line using the -r switch.

Let’s assume the user prepared a “test.pmx” file where a geometry file “geom.step” is imported, meshed, and analyzed, and some results are post-processed and exported to “results.csv” file using a results history exporter. Now, the user can change the geometry and repeat all the PrePoMax commands automatically.

The new geometry must first be created and saved in the file with the same name as when the .pmx file was created (“geometry.step”). Then, the .pmx file and all files imported while creating the .pmx file (“geometry.step”) must be copied into one folder. For example, “C:\Temp”. Then, using the command line (cmd), the folder should be changed to the folder containing all files (“C:\Temp”) and the command:

C:\path to PrePoMax folder\PrePoMax.exe -r test.pmx

can be used to rerun all commands saved in the .pmx file with the new geometry and create a new “results.csv” file with updated results. The GUI is shown by default to check for errors and can be hidden using the -g switch. If debugging is needed, closing PrePoMax at the end of regeneration can be prevented by using the -x switch.

C:\path to PrePoMax folder\PrePoMax.exe -r test.pmx -g No