Cannot load an frd file

Sorry, I was using the files I downloaded a while ago.

So if I understand correctly, this thread can be closed?

Hi Matej,

I still cannot load an inp file in PrePoMax if the file contains the following assignment:
appliedLoad_S1, P1, 10
appliedLoad_S2, P2, 10
appliedLoad_S3, P3, 10
appliedLoad_S4, P4, 10
Please see my message above. I can provide the inp file to duplicate the bug on your side.

ÂżCould you? The files are not availale anymore.
As simple and reduced model as possible just focusing on the problem.

I posted my input at: Dropbox - - Simplify your life

If you read case7.inp into PrePoMax, you’ll see that the surface definitions are loaded correctly. The *DLOAD input is not read from my *STEP definition (case7_ss.inp).
I can manually define the uniform pressure using the surface definition in PrePoMax to make sure that my *DLOAD defintion on my case7_ss.inp is correct. The uniform pressure loading is correctly assigned using the PrePoMax menu but not when I load the same lines from an input file.

Did you have the chance to download the files?

Yes but I didn’t know how to start or report. Inp reader is still very sensitive to spaces, line break and other sintax details.

For example;

None of the element sets where load has been applied has been created/ imported correctly. Consequently the *Dlods are not applied.

12/26/22 21:25:03 Reading keyword line: *ELSET, ELSET=maxLoad_S2
12/26/22 21:25:03 Reading keyword line: *ELSET, ELSET=maxLoad_S3
12/26/22 21:25:03 Reading keyword line: *ELSET, ELSET=maxLoad_S4
12/26/22 21:25:03 Reading keyword line: *ELSET, ELSET=maxLoad_S5
12/26/22 21:25:03 Reading keyword line: *ELSET, ELSET=maxLoad_S6

Element sets only shows in the three when the *Surface is written line per line Âż?Âż?










Surfaces are only created in the tree if you remove the space in front of NAME.

Both changes are mutually exclusive. I can’t make Surfaces and Element set both appear at he same time in the tree.


The .inp reader is not developed with the same progress as the rest of the program. The problem is that adding support to read a single keyword might lead to many different variations since a single keyword can be defined in many different ways.

And then, some PrePoMax features, like surface traction load, cannot be read from the .inp file since they are represented using many keywords at the same time.

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Your are right. I would first focus to assure that Prepomax can read the files that it writes. This way users can at least change files safety.

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I very appreciate all the feedback.

I followed your recommendation: I checked loading an inp file created by PrePoMax. It fails at the DLOAD statement (similar as before). Here is the file that was created with PrePoMax:

I am not sure the link above gives you access to the file. Try this:

Hi Matej, Anys. I followed your recommendation: " focus to assure that Prepomax can read the files that it writes". PrePoMax fails to load the file that it writes as I mentioned above. I just to make you ware of that. Let me know if you can verify it on your side.

I can verify your problem. It is more a missing feature than a bug but still I will have to fix it in the future.