I have an Infinite loop when importing this INP file (with version 2.0.0).
But I can’t attach file…
What is the size of the file ? Does it contain only mesh or also analysis features ?
Here is a GoogleDrive link for the file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr2kYPcOLnPWmFKXbfHkgS8NPvmwGfkx/view?usp=drive_link
It only contains mesh data.
You have to set access to “Anyone with the link” before copying the link and pasting it here.
OK sorry
That should be Ok now
Yeah, it just keeps loading without success. The mesh is large (around 600 000 nodes and 265 000 elements) but I can load it using other software including FreeCAD.
I can confirm this problem: your mesh is not merged. Somehow, you managed to create a mesh of unconnected elements. During import, PrePoMax searches for connected elements to create parts out of them. A part of PrePoMax is a group of connected elements. But there is a limit of the maximum number of parts in the model, which equals 9999. In your case, there are about 240,000 such parts, so it fails to read them.
I added a limit now so that PrePoMax reads the parts up to the part ID of 9900, and then it stops. This will prevent PrePoMax from looping but it will not solve your problem.
The problem is int the wedge elements, which use coincident but unmerged nodes.
I am changing this topic to closed.