Building on Mono

I would be grateful if someone tells how to assemble/run under Linux/macOS.

Unfortunately, PrePoMax is available only for Windows at the moment.

You could try it with the emulator called “parallels” and tell us if it works !


Do you mean the product Parallels Desktop for Mac proprietary software or Parallels OpenVZ (Open Virtuozzo) GPLv2?

I think it’s a bad idea use PrePoMax GNU GPL v2 and CalculiX GNU GPL with close source EULA emulator.

I tried running under Wine on Linux, FreeBSD and macOS.

Models open and work with PrePoMax possible. But there are two big problems.
First, some tables contents are not readable, bold font squre System.Windows.Forms.GridItem. This is not critical. When hover, read the hint.
Second, сritical and makes work with the PrePoMax impossible. When working with set selection, the program simply crash.


Hi wegod,
unfortunately i dont have a mac to try any other software.
Could you further try other emulators to see if it works ?
I think this would be helpful for the users.


It is interesting it works at all. The square-shaped characters in the forms in front of the property names are tab characters. They are used in PrePoMax to sort the properties in the desired way. For the Windows environment, the tab characters are hidden by the system (Windows dot net; I think). So for this probably some other way of sorting could be found. But for the other problem, I have no ideas.

Hey all,

i tried PrePoMax on an mac last weekend and i have to tell you that everything worked perfect.
I simply went with the software parallels as mentioned above and were able to control prepomax as i was used to. This Software costs about 100€ but at least it works fine with prepomax.

This is the software i used @wegod39591 : Windows auf dem Mac – Virtuelle Maschine für Mac über Parallels Desktop 17

Hello there,

I’ve been trying to run PrePoMax on Ubuntu 20.04 through Wine 7.0 but experience the samme issues as mentioned by @wegod39591.

Was there ever a functional solution for Linux? If not - Is there any effort put in to make it run?

Thank you


as i know PrePoMax depends on library of VTK called ActiViz. to run natively on Linux and Mac it seems required to updates to the latest versions. but, unfortunately no opensource edition released.


That’s a shame, but i understand that it’s not a priority at the moment to make it run on Linux. Fingers crossed for the future.

please understand, it’s related to the library by VTK decisions not PrePoMax. also, i’m only guess about the conditions but not sure actually.

ActiViz is a wrapper library that enables the usage of the VTK library from the C# programming language. Unfortunately, ActiViz was switched from open-source to a licence-based library a while ago. The native language of VTK is C++. So I think this will be a challenge to port to Linux. I have no experience in developing software for multiple platforms so I am not the right man for the job.

PrePoMax does not run natively on Linux due to compatibility issues with Wine, as it is not possible to install the required .NET Framework 4.8. However, I successfully run PrePoMax on Linux using a Windows 10 virtual machine (VM) set up with QEMU and KVM. With 24 GB of RAM on my system, I allocate 16 GB to the Windows VM, allowing PrePoMax to run smoothly.

For a hassle-free VM setup, I recommend using a Linux distribution that supports systemd, as it simplifies the configuration process. Alternatively, VirtualBox can also be used to create and manage a Windows VM effectively.