V 2.0.4 - "Surface traction" on pyramid leads to error

When applying this load on a pyramid-surface, the following error occurs in v 2.0.4:

In previous version 2.0.3 it works.


I understand that pyramid-elements are in an experimental state now and not all prepomax functionalities are fully tested with them yet, however i want to point out some observations i made (perhaps more will follow):

  • The Transform options “copy and translate/rotate” does not work for parts with pyramids (they will be listed as new part in the model tab but are invisible in the graphic window).

  • Most of the query items in the results tab does not work properly.


  • BCs applied to region type “surface name” leads to an error (no problem with “selection” and “node set name”)

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I am sure I tried it and succeeded. So I will have to check again what is happening.

I have confirmed this bug and will solve it shortly.

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I have released version 2.0.6, where selection should finally be fixed. Please confirm which other features are still not working.

Thanks, all mentioned bugs are fixed now for linear pyramids. But there is still a little bug i figuered out now:
When creating a rigid body constraint with region type “surface name”, the ayalysis runs but gives zero values for all outputs. When i switch from surface name to selection, results are fine:

But now in v2.0.6 (was not a problem in v2.0.5), nothing works anymore when using 2nd order pyramids. No matter which BCs i applied, it always gives the error:

pt2.pmx (109.0 KB)

This error also still exists for C3D13 elements:

Version 2.0.7 hopefully fixes these bugs.

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Looks good, i could only find minor query problems in the results tab for 2nd order pyramids (queries can’t be placed or will not be highlighted):

  • Vertex/Node
  • Edge
  • Surface
  • Distance/Angle/Circle

But the strange thing is, this only doesn’t work for results loaded in the .pmx file after analysis. When i open the .frd file separate, all queries work.

Also a problem with section view - “select point” of 2nd order pyramids doesn’t work:



Sorry I have to correct myself again. Both phenomena described above are more specific and not generally the case. It’s somehow related having pyramid elements as separate parts i guess. The animation shows it better than trying to describe it.


I think it is not related to pyramid elements. The problem is that sometimes the node with the annotation belongs to two or more parts - coincident mesh. Then, PrePoMax checks if the node is visible to determine whether the annotation is visible. But this check goes from part to part and checks if the part is visible. If the node belongs to the part and the part is invisible, the annotation is hidden, and the process completes. The problem is that it does not check for other parts the node belongs to and are visible.

The bahavior is fixed in v2.2.9. I am changing the topic as closed.