Not sure why my results are not as expected.
I’m still working on the set up but in the meantime I have found the following :
The two intermediate BC’s of the first and second step were imposed at the lip of the plate as show in the preview. After my results is not as expected I’m reviewing each BC again and found that when opening the BC details, the selected surface suddently changes its possition. Is that normal?. Now I’m not sure where the BC is aplied?¿
Now I can see that the problem is not a high stiffness.
Overall displacement doesn’t agree with the requested value of -150mm although the analysis reports as ended successfully.
EDITED: I have rebuild the whole model from zero and result is as shown in the picture. Still don’t know why BC was assigned to other area.
I have reworked the code dealing with changes due to translation, scaling, and rotation. I hope it will not introduce some other problems. It will be released in the next version.