In this version:
- the thicken shell feature now works with normals computed from geometry; if the part has no geometry, the normals are computed from the mesh
- the thicken shell feature now retains model edges (feature edges)
- experimental support for the four-sided pyramid elements was added (C3D5 and C3D13); such elements can be created using the Transfinite mesh feature where some parts of the compound part are non-transfinite or using Gmsh shell feature and enabling the Recombine option to create pyramids on the surface; since pyramid elements are not yet supported by the CalculiX solver they are exported as collapsed wedges or collapsed hexahedrons (Settings → CalculiX); their precision is not very good, but they can be used for mesh transition from hexahedral mesh to tetrahedral mesh; sometimes Gmsh creates pyramids with unusable geometry (almost zero height) where changing the mesh size sometimes helps
- various bugs exterminated
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