UNV import to support line element (beam)

since in early versions 3D UNV format has been supported, group of element and nodes also. later the implementation in shell element. hopefully line/beam element also interest to supported in the next.

FRD result produced by CalculiX CCX solver are in general format, seems the beam,shell and solid are treated as one as 3D solid for uniformity. PrePomax also capable reading output of beam element if the option 3D are set (nb. output in 2D make some crash). as shown in above pictures, testing an example of B31 element output for stress and deformation.

this workflow could be useful as introduction or preliminary of PrePoMax capabilities to analysis with beam element by importing 1D line and set up trough keyword editor.

group of element and nodes is prepared inside UNV creator (e.g Salome CAE or GMSH), later setting of element and boundary conditions is in Edit keyword features.

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as can be seen in above pictures, only few line of definition in keyword could perform an analysis of beam element, displaying group of node and element visually also helping for the user manage easily.

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may i correcting, not crash and it seems capable to open line based output also.

The support for beam elements is very high on the to-do list. But if I implement it, then I would like to implement it as it should be implemented wilt all the support of the GUI. Unfortunately, that requires more time the I have now. Maybe my summer will be less crowded.