Understanding the Convergence values in the Monitor

Is there an explanation anywhere of what the various columns in the Convergence tab of the Monitor mean? STEP is obvious, and I’m pretty sure I understand INC (Time Increment # within that Step). I’m guessing that ATT stands for Attempt # within that Increment, and I’m guessing that a new Attempt is when convergence for that Increment fails so the solver modifies some parameters (like decreasing the Time Increment) and tries again? ITER would then be the Iteration # within that Attempt, yes? And I have only vague inklings as to what CONT. EL. (#), RESID. FORCE (%), and CORR. DISP (%) might mean, but I’m sure that if someone can explain those to me, I’ll be able to easily infer what RESID. FLUX (%) and CORR. TEMP (%) mean.

First part is explained here: I need some opinions on a non linear geometry problem in general - #2 by FEAnalyst

Second part here: Stacked flow plates - model simplification - #26 by FEAnalyst

Thanks, that helps a lot! There’s now just one column I don’t understand the meaning of: CONT. EL. (#)

That’s just the number of contact elements.