Is there an explanation anywhere of what the various columns in the Convergence tab of the Monitor mean? STEP is obvious, and I’m pretty sure I understand INC (Time Increment # within that Step). I’m guessing that ATT stands for Attempt # within that Increment, and I’m guessing that a new Attempt is when convergence for that Increment fails so the solver modifies some parameters (like decreasing the Time Increment) and tries again? ITER would then be the Iteration # within that Attempt, yes? And I have only vague inklings as to what CONT. EL. (#), RESID. FORCE (%), and CORR. DISP (%) might mean, but I’m sure that if someone can explain those to me, I’ll be able to easily infer what RESID. FLUX (%) and CORR. TEMP (%) mean.
First part is explained here: I need some opinions on a non linear geometry problem in general - #2 by FEAnalyst
Second part here: Stacked flow plates - model simplification - #26 by FEAnalyst
Thanks, that helps a lot! There’s now just one column I don’t understand the meaning of: CONT. EL. (#)
That’s just the number of contact elements.