Hi @Matej , I just downloaded v1.33 and works amazing, every new release has better and better tools.
I was testing some examples, and one thing that would be very usefull, is a way to split faces around holes, for creating boundary conditions. If the user select a hole edge, would be a way to use the internal CAD information of the edge (center and plane orientation) to create directly an offseted (defined by the user) circle to split the planar face?
Thank you @SergioP1975. As one of the first PrePoMax users and experienced FEM analysts, your opinion really matters to me.
The idea of geometry splitting tools is something I am considering for already a long time but I never find time to try it out. It will require a lot of work to make it work and I am not sure how well it will work when integrated. So for now a CAD software and a Swap parts geometry feature must be used. I hope I will find some time in the future to integrate this features.
could it be an alternative to integrate this into the node set selection instead of doing this in the CAD world? I am thinking about a similar worklow like spot creation in Altairs SimSolid. The procedure can be seen here. Spots in SimSolid
I watched the video and I think it actually works on the geometry. After the spot is created, the simulation is started and first the mesh is prepared in the background. The mesh is prepared based on the split geometry.
not sure if you understood what i meant. ;). Right now it is possible to create Node or Surface Sets where certain BCs can be applied to. In the past I tried to approximate necessary regions by defining such Node/Surface sets. I noticed two things. Nodes/Surfaces can only be selected in a rectangular style and always the whole depth of nodes/surfaces within this rectangle is selected. Same within the surface set option.
I used this sometimes in the past because I was not able to create a seperate surface (imprint) in my CAD programm. In the meantime I found a way to do this…
I often have solids that are of bad quality. Meshing within PrePoMax is not always possible. I found some ways to bring in the mesh-only from other sources. Now again I am faced with the problem of applying the boundary conditions…
Would be great to get Node/Surface Sets working on Surface only and also in a circular way (maybe one has to add a Reference Point first to be used as the circular center…)
OK, I think that now I understand your question. I think it is much better to have a tool to split the geometry but if such a tool is missing what you suggest could be useful. The only problem is that mesh-based selections become invalid after each meshing procedure.