Select multiple edge by length criteria


currently structured hexahedral mesh by extrusion or revolving are supported well using new Gmsh mesher. So, a mesh refinement based edge division can be frequently in use. However, i miss the feature to select multiple edge by length criteria. Salome CAD/CAE is capable using filter criteria of minimum and maximum.

An example of part shown above, number of division along thickness is required to refines for accuracy improvement. There’s fourteen (14) edge need to select based on the length ranges, e.g 15mm and 20mm. It can automatically select all of them by single click, show an effectiveness.

I don’t know what is the best approach to be implemented, but maybe it can be based on percentage tolerances of user selected edges to have similarity with edge angle options currently available.


I will think about the “By size” filter implementation. In the figures, I see that your GUI is strangely drawn.


In comparison to my system.


Which version of Windows OS are you using? Are other windows also shown with strangely repositioned labels?

many thanks for interesting to implement also.

not a serious problem, it’s only due to my customized text size of global Windows interfaces for small LCD, i.e netbook with 12" sizes. I guessed it will have the same behavior not to depending on Windows versions, some text can not be fitted in GUI but still predictable.

however, if these problems can be fixed in the codes of PrePoMax it would be perfect things.

Ok, I understand. I don’t think this can be fixed inside the software.

Hello, I would like to ask for this feature, but also the similar feature for surfaces (selecting by area). This is really really useful for repetitive features.

In Ansys, you can select all features which have the same length/area, all features which have greater length/area, and all feature s which have less length/area.

Awesome software by the way! I have been really impressed

hi, i tried again for the same example models. It seems Gmsh mesher can generate properly of dependent edge divisions by refined mesh of four edges diagonal corner only. However, this selection criteria (edge & face) may still useful for another purpose