There is nodal result in PrePoMax for stresses. In ANSYS we have averaged, unaveraged stress, nodal difference …etc for stress result. To which of the above stress result in ANSYS ( which I have mentioned above) is comparable with the nodal result from PrePoMax.
Averaged nodal stresses - that’s what you get from CalculiX. Check this topic, there was a short discussion about averaging and possibility to suppress it: Wrong Stress Results with function "Compound Part"
In ANSYS which result is comparable (averaged, unaveraged stress, nodal difference …etc)…
Use the averaged one for comparison with PrePoMax results.
Expecting elemental average results in the future version…
Yes, that would be a nice addition. In the topic that I linked, Matej said that he also thinks that an option to plot unaveraged and elemental (integration point) stresses is a good idea so there’s a chance that this functionality will be implemented in one of the future versions.
What is actually averaged nodal result?
In FEM stresses are calculated at the integration points and then extrapolated to nodes. Since nodes are usually shared by multiple elements, averaging is performed to obtain a single value for each node.
If you are interested in details, I recommend the book “Practical Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical Engineers” by D. Madier.
Element output variables (S, E, …) are determined in integration points, while node output variables (U, RF, …) are determined in nodes and do not need to be averaged.