One of the limitations of CalculiX is that it can only output averaged nodal stresses in .frd files. If you need them at the integration points (where they are originally calculated and most accurate) you can use .dat file output but that’s not very handy with larger models. Fortunately, ParaView can help with this. It features a whole group of filters called Quadrature Points. Here’s what you can do with them, in order:
- Generate Quadrature Scheme Dictionary - uses a built-in library of Gauss points (unfortunately, only full integration linear and quadratic elements of the following types are supported at the moment: triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron*), necessary for subsequent filters
- Interpolate to Quadrature Points - as the name suggests, this filter interpolates the nodal data to integration points
- Generate Quadrature Points - generates integration points so that you can visualize them and make measurements using point selection tools like Hover Points On
For better visibility, increase the Point Size a bit (you can also render them as spheres) and show the results of the Interpolate to Quadrature Points Filter with Representation set to Wireframe or some Opacity.
*Linear tetrahedron elements in CalculiX have a single integration point while ParaView assumes 4 integration points for this type of element. Of course, ParaView doesn’t account for CalculiX-specific expansion of 2D elements to 3D ones. So it might be best to use this functionality for quadratic tetrahedrons for now. Fortunately, they are the most commonly used elements in PrePoMax.