Greetings Sirs, I need your assistance on which feature to use to generate a report of my simulation work and sent it to microsoft word or PDF… Like the way it is done in ANSYS, any suggestions?
There’s no such feature yet (so your post is in the correct category). When using Abaqus, we also prepare the reports manually without relying on such automatic report generation tools. You could create your own template in Word and only replace the screenshots and other data for each case. Especially if the cases are usually quite similar.
This is noted. Thank you!
generate report such a great features, SAP finite element programs also capable. Maybe several basic views can provide (boundary input and output results), material properties, brief and hidden CalculiX input data also.
Well, I’m not sure if that is 100% correct. I regularly create my own Python scripts to launch AbqViewer and collect custom views, materials, results at particular steps, etc.
So, this feature request certainly has some merit. In my opinion, it would be nice to get some basic scripting.
There’s no single correct approach here, everyone does it the way he likes (and depending on his tasks). But I don’t mean not automating some repetitive postprocessing tasks like XY plots preparation. Personally, I just don’t like those tools that give you ready-made .docx or .pdf reports. They are often found in CAD-embedded FEA software and some users treat them as perfectly sufficient project summaries. Abaqus has something like that too as a built-in plug-in.