Import problem (soft crash)

Hello, I get a soft crash when I try to import the attached input file (has some unsupported keywords from abaqus but runs with ccx 2.19)

A sort of error message indicating the unsupported keyword would be appreciated.

MagAlloy_vDa.inp (20.5 KB)

I’ve encountered this error several times when importing inp files, even those created specifically for CalculiX and containing relatively simple keywords that are already implemented in PrePoMax. It seems that the inp file reader would need an update.

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Thank you for the bug report. I have fixed it but since inp file support is not very well developed many more might still be around.

Inp file import for a while supports all keywords. Unsupported keywords by the graphical user interface are changed into User keywords and a warning message is shown. In your case, there was a bug when nodes were defined using multiple *Node keywords. Only the last *Node keyword was actually imported. Now, this was changed so that all *Node keywords are merged together.