History output (forces)

Hi I am probably doing something wrong but I just ran a model with a few history outputs requests and I don’t find anything when I go to post process. I can create them in the post processing but I don’t see a way to make summed outputs. I am looking for is the total load from a particular contact interaction.

Any ideas? This is with the current release (1.3.4)

maybe I can pull them out of the results file manually somehow? (with pandas etc)

** History outputs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-6_to_Solid_part-1_Master, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-6_to_Solid_part-1_Slave
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-2_to_Solid_part-5_Slave, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-2_to_Solid_part-5_Master
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-3_to_Solid_part-5_Slave, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-3_to_Solid_part-5_Master
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-1_to_Solid_part-4_Master, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-1_to_Solid_part-4_Slave

Right, I made a simple test model with just one contact pair and one history output request for CF and it seems that it works in older versions (up to 1.3.2) but doesn’t work now.

@Matej Could you take a look at this ?

thanks, it is indeed a bug (I pulled up the results file in 1.2.1 and it loads as expected with the history outputs.

Indeed it is a bug. I fixed it, and it will be released in the next release version.