Hi I am probably doing something wrong but I just ran a model with a few history outputs requests and I don’t find anything when I go to post process. I can create them in the post processing but I don’t see a way to make summed outputs. I am looking for is the total load from a particular contact interaction.
Any ideas? This is with the current release (1.3.4)
maybe I can pull them out of the results file manually somehow? (with pandas etc)
** History outputs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-6_to_Solid_part-1_Master, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-6_to_Solid_part-1_Slave
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-2_to_Solid_part-5_Slave, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-2_to_Solid_part-5_Master
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-3_to_Solid_part-5_Slave, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-3_to_Solid_part-5_Master
*Contact print, Totals=Yes, Master=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-1_to_Solid_part-4_Master, Slave=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_part-1_to_Solid_part-4_Slave