History Output names in the model don’t correspond to History Output names in the result.
I have named History outputs according to the order of the surfaces from inside to outside so NH Output-1 corresponds to surface 1, NH Output-2 corresponds to surface 2, and so on,…
When looking at the result NH Output-1 corresponds to what was defined as NH Output-2 (The first on the model list).
Result NH Output-2 corresponds to NH Output-3 (The second on the model list) and so on…
Results end up mixed.
I checked the code, and a big problem needs to be solved.
CalculiX does not support names for history outputs. So, the names exist only in PrePoMax. In Calculix, the names of the node sets are used to export data in a .dat file. So, the name of the history output depends on the name of the node set it is created from. Another fact is that the graphical representation of the history output in the results view is also based on the node set it is created from.
Now, the problem is how to uniquely connect one history output name with one node set name in PrePoMax. Currently, the user can have a history output with one name in multiple steps. Through these steps, the selection definition can be freely changed. With the selection definition changes new node sets are created (node set cannot be changed once it is created). This means that one name in pre-processing creates multiple names in post-processing. A problem!
The only solution I see is that I break the naming connection. The .dat results will get some name, based on the internal selection name, which is not connected to the name in the model tree. To determine which output is which, the user would have to graphically check the resulting history output representation.
Abaqus doesn’t use the history output request names in postprocessing. It only shows the variable, element/node number and set name. It doesn’t even highlight them on selection but it would be nice.
Ok, I have changed the naming of the History Outputs.
The change occurs only for the history outputs created by selection. If selection is used the history outputs will get the name NODE_SELECTION-# or ELEMET_SELECTION-#. If the history output is created from the existing item, like a set/surface/reference point, the history output will have its name.
I also added support for highlighting the contact history outputs, which was missing till now.