Help to start coding new features in PrePoMax

So, let me start by explaining how to figure out how PrePoMax works using the Visual Studo.

If you are new to PrePoMax code, the best way to start is the class in FrmMain in the folder PrePoMax/Forms. This class is the main form of the application. Since most of the user functions are available through the main form it is the simplest way to start following their execution path. What you can do is open the main form in the design view (double-click the file in the Solution Explorer) and then find the menu and double-click it to get to the code that is executed on the user action. When you are in the code editor, you can set the breakpoint on a selected line, and then the code execution will stop there. Once stopped, you can continue through the code line-by-line.

But what happens in most cases is that the code will open another form (editor), and then you have to follow the code execution path through the sub-form. Luckily, all these sub-forms have a very similar design (for example, the class FrmConstraints is located in folder PrePoMax/Forms/33_Constraints) where at the press of the OK button the function:

protected override void OnApply(bool onOkAddNew)

is called. This function usually calls one of the functions that actually do the work from the base PrePoMax class called Controller - so look for the local name of the Controller class which is usually _controller.

But in general I would not recommend this approach. It would be much easier to first try and add or change some functionality in existing classes. Especially classes, that are not directly connected to the user interface (UI). The UI workflow is usually very hard to grasp and manage. There are many functions needed to correctly handle the user data and to use the functions correctly one has to understand/grasp how they are related or connected. For that, understanding of how the entire UI works is usually needed.

I could give you more detailed instructions on what to do in your selected case, but it would be easier to first try some smaller tasks.

A typical class that is easier to understand and improve is/are file importers/exporters. For instance, the class InpFileReader located in CaeModel/FileInOut/Input/InpModel. Or you could add a Gmsh file importer which is currently missing.

Another simpler task would be the request: Option to hide the clipped max/min value that is displayed on the "Manual Limit" Legend. The color legend is contained in the class vtkMaxScalarBarWidget located in vtkControl/vtkMax/Widget/ folder.

The labels data is created in the function:

private double['] GenerateLabels(double offsetX, double offsetY)

Set the breakpoint inside this function and use the Call Stack window fo follow it back to the place where it was called. There try to add a local parameter to control the visibility of the min/max value.