Contribute to PrePoMax

how about creating a possibility for others to contribute functionality to PrePoMax?
It could be realized by an “Add-On” Folder in the main menu.
If Matey integrates this with a dummy add-on, like a window with a “Hello World” button,
others could use this dummy as base to code an add-on.
Just a suggestion.

Add-ons/plug-ins like in FreeCAD could be an option but maybe it would be better to help with the development of some small built-in functionalities that are missing if one knows coding stuff well enough.

One thing that I really like to have is a “simplified for non programmers” way to create new Advisors, lot of industries and people would benefititate of having an step by step integrated and validated procedure for repetitive simulations.


Having support for plug-ins would be great indeed. But as far as I know, how they work (I did not develop any such project), there must be an appropriate framework in the background. Some internal API. This framework must expose the internal functionality of the rest of the software in some way. But, PrePoMax is not built in such a way, so I do not know how to implement that.

Advisors might be added a little easier as they need less access to the internal data structures but I am not sure many people will use it.


Hello Matey, hello FEAnalyst,

i have installed Visual Studio and are able of compiling PrePoMax. I just added “UncoupledTempDispStep” to InpFileReader.cs to import *Uncoupled temperature-displacement steps from .inp file. It works.
I attached the snippet. Could this be a way to contribute? Matey has to integrate and test every code!


Snippet_UncoupledTempDispStep.txt.inp (2.2 KB)