I was wondering if it would be possible to add a sort of a file cleanup system, because files can get quite big (espetially while the setting “Save results in .pmx files" is set to “Yes”).
I was thinking about a window that would tell you how much space in a file is used for stored results (posibly split into all the analysis that are stored, not just the total), file history, meshes and model setup. From there you could select and delete some parts (or maybe split the results into separate files).
I got some quite big and slow files because as I usually just replace the geometry (using “Regenerate using other files” or just deleting the geometry and importing a newer version) in the same analysis as I make changes to the geometry, so that I don’t have to manualy rebuild the model every time. Then I usually add or rename the analysis so that I don’t overwrite the previous results.
Maybe as a second request I would add some direct modeling comands such as move face and delete face, that could acomodate simple geometry changes, but I gues that is not high on the priority list.