You have to set access to those files/folders on Google Drive to “Anyone with the link” before copying the links and pasting them here. Please replace the links in your post once you do that.
It seems that both files have the same mesh consisting of 234543 elements and 421038 nodes. What is the error message that you get and when does it occur?
Determining the structure of the matrix:
Using up to 3 cpu(s) for setting up the structure of the matrix.
number of equations
number of nonzero lower triangular matrix elements
increment 1 attempt 1
increment size= 1.000000e+00
sum of previous increments=0.000000e+00
actual step time=1.000000e+00
actual total time=1.000000e+00
iteration 1
Using up to 3 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.
Using up to 3 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.
Not reusing csc.
PaStiX : Parallel Sparse matriX package +
Version: 6.0.1
sequential: Enabled
thread static: Started
thread dynamic: Disabled
PaRSEC: Disabled
StarPU: Disabled
Number of MPI processes: 1
Number of threads per process: 3
Number of GPUs: 0
MPI communication support: Disabled
Distribution level: 2D( 128)
Blocking size (min/max): 1024 / 2048
For me, it keeps (slowly) going. I would try with Pardiso instead of PaStiX (solver can be changed in step settings, Pardiso is better for bigger meshes) and maybe using standalone CalculiX since there’s a chance there will be more specific errors.
P.S. The simulations in both files were completed successfully on my PC.
This seems to be my default answer to any Pastix-doesn’t-work problem but it looks like you’re using mixed precision which is pretty bad because it sometimes causes wrong results. That could mess up nonlinear.