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Hello, I am doing static analysis and the screen has been like this for about an hour. No progress? What could be the reason? I am attaching the file. I would be glad if you could help me, thank you

Even from the screenshot I can tell that you have a very dense mesh. Make sure that you are using all the available CPUs for parallelization and change the solver in the step settings to Pardiso. Watch the middle tab (Status) to see the incrementation progress and the last one to see the convergence progress. Also, it’s better to do the first runs with a coarser mesh and then refine it if necessary.

When I use a thicker mesh, I get an error and not all parts are meshed. But I’ll try one more time

What error ? Meshing fails ? Maybe the geometry should be fixed or simplified. But playing with maximum (and sometimes also minimum) element size is usually sufficient and much coarser meshes are generated properly.

I also follow the convergence section, but there is no progress there either.

Like that

This mesh has almost 3 mln nodes - way too many. You should create a separate Meshing parameters object for each part (except for parts that are the same or almost the same), set a default or coarser mesh, see what it looks like and adjust the parameters until it’s of a reasonable size. Try the Tetrahedral Gmsh mesher if the default Netgen still fails.