If stl file is the only file available

Ok, so i have a question. If a stl file is the only file available of a part, what is the best way to handle this type of case with prepomax?


PrePoMax supports STL files so you can use them normally. The only problem is usually undesired division into faces so you may have to use FE mesh based selection (pick nodes/faces for BCs and other features manually).

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ok, so smae issue you run into with ondsel or freecad. A lot of the files i deal with are stl files and the designer has no step files at all. Some of them are to complicated to even attempt to redraw, plus that takes time.


there’s AnalysisSitus capable to do reverse engineering, STL mesh file can be converted to STP file by few commands. Some limitation may still exist at curved surface were still faceted, but it can be use and comparable in linear hexahedral element when approximations are fine enough. I read AnalysisSitus can rebuild or patch the surface also, but not tried yet.


FreeCAD has the refine option to get rid of some redundant faces but in most cases many faces will still remain. This is inconvenient but not much can be done about that. Only professional tools like Rhino can properly convert STL models to CAD geometry. FEBio Studio (FEM software meant specifically for biomechanics) even has a tool to create faces on STL models by drawing some polyline contours with the cursor.

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some large company use QuickSurface to do reverse engineering, but it may become less effective and benefit when the end results are tetrahedral mesh. Hopefully, PrePoMax will have similar feature in fit node element mesh to primitive object such as circle/arc, cylinder, cone and torus.

Ill have to try some of these out. I always try to get the stp file but sometimes that is not possible.

I know intact.de, an opensource meshless FEA software online, does stl files but im not sure how accurate it is. Its what onshape uses for their free fea software.

With BC’s does EVERY triangulated face need to be selected or can just a few?

it’s probably best working in STL as base when the model is complex, Netgen and Gmsh mesher available option good enough for this. In case of highly complex or bad triangulation mesh, both mesher can be failed to generate. External mesher TetWild is available and known more robust, i do large test personally.

PrePoMax have feature in surface mesh based selection by angle criteria, the easiness and conveniently can be similar with CAD based.