November 9, 2022, 7:19pm
First of all, congratulations for the software. It, runs very soft and it is very intuitive.
I’m trying to impose too consecutive oscillating movements , one on each side of a thin plate.
The analysis runs for 2 seconds. From 0 to 1 second oscillates one side and from 1 to 2 seconds the other side should oscillate.
Three comments about my result. (File attached)
1- I have probably set up something wrong but I can’t figure what is it.
Oscillation from second 1s to 2s has some issue. It is not oscillating in the right direction Y as the other side correctly does.
2-I would like if possible that the Animation properties were saved with the file.
3-I’m not able to set my Solid_part-1 opaque and I can see some annoying lines from the other side of the mesh.
Test Loads Shifted in Time.pmx (2.2 MB)
November 9, 2022, 7:45pm
Another comment.
¿How can I change/reasign my loaded area?. The “more button” on “Set Selection” for the BC is not available now.
Here are a few thoughts:
I’d rather use dynamic analysis in this case.
Is there a reason not to use shell elements for this very thin part ?
I would try doing this in 2 separate steps.
Try with a different solver. PaStiX may still show unexpected behavior in some cases.
You can still use geometry based selection or create a node set and assign the BC to it (change Region type to Node set name).
One more thing - setting displacement BC back to zero doesn’t freeze the nodes in their current position but returns them to their initial position instead.
November 10, 2022, 8:51am
Very thin solid meshes produce this undesired effect. I tried solving it but was not very successful. It is a bit better from version 1.3.0 in comparison to older versions but it still shows.
November 10, 2022, 9:43am
Yesterday I was finally able to solve it remeshing.
I guess if shell issues could be solve expanding with two elements per thickness.?¿?
There’s also one true shell element recently added to CalculiX. You can give it a try but it has some limitations.
November 10, 2022, 10:02am
true shell element
I will try too. Thanks both for the help.