Analysis failed with no explanation

This is my first post.

I am writing to ask about an analysis that failed with no explanation. Is this common?

Is there a way to attach a file such as the .INP?

I will try to attach an image.

I have used this program successfully before and have never run into this.

Thank you for any help.

The error message is generic and suggests unknown issues with analysis setup. If possible, please share the .pmx file. You can use some hosting website and paste the link here.


Thank you for your help.

I have a Google drive and created a shared folder. Hopefully I can use it for future questions.

Please see if this works.

Thank you again.

What load do you apply in this model ? Can you share a screenshot with it or a .pmx file where it’s defined ? The Word document only mentions a boundary condition, not load.

Just a load on a nozzle. Not realistic I know.

I will try to use rigid beams attached to nozzle for final analysis.

Is it Concentrated Force or Surface Traction load ?

Yes, but there’s not step data there:


and the document doesn’t mention loads.

(Attachment top meshed with 420 solid material.pmx is missing)

I have that file but it seems to be missing content - only mesh, material and section definition are there.

Please try this.

Thank you.

(Attachment share_top meshed with 420 solid material.pmx is missing)

Is that a failed attempt to share the file directly here ?

Anyway, it seems that you applied this concentrated force to the edge. Here’s an explanation why it shouldn’t be used on surfaces in most cases: Don't apply concentrated force load to surfaces but it applies to edges as well if you don’t want the specified magnitude to be applied to each node (so the total load is specified magnitude*number of nodes).

I will check it to make sure I uploaded the correct file.

Thank you for your patience.

No problem. You could also use e.g. WeTransfer to quickly share the file.

Here is a .pmx file and a link to it. It may be too big to email.

For the file

For the folder

I added a pressure on top of one nozzle. It still does not run.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.

(Attachment 2_share_top meshed with 420 solid material (1).pmx is missing)

Ok, I have it now. There are errors about negative jacobians because of the thin top parts of the flanges. One has particularly nasty and maybe even faulty geometry:

It should be fixed in CAD first. It would be way easier if it wasn’t STL though.

These settings can be used for meshing.
But it’s much easier with nice CAD data.

Thank you for your help.

Here is another one that won’t solve. I thought this would be sinple.

I used shell elements, restrained the edges, put a pressure load on some elements and clicked RUN.

Got a failed message.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

If you still have it, can you send me the .pmx file from when you modified it,


shell.pmx (63.4 KB)

It’s working for me:

But you are using quite old version of PrePoMax. Try in 2.1.0.