Warning when absolute zero temperature is not defined


currently, there’s a warning when radiation load is used but Stefan-Boltzmann constant is not defined: Thermal simulation- Missing of physical constants for radiation - #8 by Matej

However, there’s no such warning when absolute zero temperature is not defined. Leaving this physical constant as undefined may also lead to incorrect results so I think that it would be good to add a warning for it as well. In the case when both values are undefined, the warning could mention them together.

What is the purpose to be able to enter and hereby change a constant of Physics manually in the first place?

Both Abaqus and CalculiX require that. They are normally unitless so the user has to specify proper values of physical constants depending on the consistent unit system he chose. PrePoMax supports units but also unitless models and the user may still want to modify the constants and ensure their correctness.

Thanks for the clarification

You are right. Do you know if absolute zero temperature is needed in any other load/analysis condition?

From what I know, it’s only needed for radiation and fluid calculations in CalculiX.

Ok, thank you. I have added a warning message in case absolute temperature is not defined.

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Great, thank you for fulfilling this request.