*TEMPERATURE doesn't work with *BUCKLE


much to my surprise, I’ve noticed that the Defined field → Temperature (*TEMPERATURE) cannot be used in the *BUCKLE step even though it’s possible in Abaqus. PrePoMax gives the “Job failed - no results exist” error while submitting from the command line results in the following message from CalculiX solver:

*ERROR reading *TEMPERATURE: temperature loading is not allowed in a linear buckling step; perform a static nonlinear calculation instead

The error occurs also when the temperature field is deactivated and only *TEMPERATURE, OP=NEW is left in the input file.

Due to this limitation of CalculiX, I’d like to suggest removing the possibility to define the temperature field for linear buckling analysis and leaving it only for the static step.

I have disabled the creation of the temperature fields inside the Buckle step.

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