Unusual error monitor

Determining the structure of the matrix:
*ERROR in u_realloc: error allocating memory
variable=mast1, file=insert.c, line=59, size(bytes)=0, oldaddress=1651531840

Job failed - no results exist.

Process elapsed time: 1223.375 s

How to solve it ?

This seems to be a CalculiX bug, recently reported here: Error Allocating Memory

It might be better to ask on the CalculiX forum: https://calculix.discourse.group/

It seems that the mesh is very dense, have you tried with coarser mesh ? CalculiX may have some issues with large meshes, depending on the solver (you can also try with Pardiso).

I had to same problem but i solved it. As you can see in the photo, two pieces too far each other.When i decided change tolerans number, it solved. You should give the tolerance value close to the distance.

tolerance of what ? You mean tolerance in search contact pairs ?

What I want to say is tie contact tolerance in constraints. You should give tolerance value close to the empty area distance. I forgot to say maybe another reason for problem, you made so many mesh. If your element size 1 million over, try make less element. When you done this , i think your problem gonna solve it. If you cant solve it, please send your file i will try.

I have come across the same problem. The error appears when the model has tied constraints with a really dense mesh. I have something like 40 tied connections and the simulation fails. But when I deactivate some tied connections, it continues and then fails due to the rigid body motion. I think if fails before running the solver (Pardiso,…) so it is a CalculiX problem during the matrix assembly. I tried it with the CalculiX 2.20 and 2.16 versions and the results are the same.

​thanks for help and support

best regards