traction load on surface has been implemented in PrePoMax and show much usefulness, however an edge loads is not yet available. There’s an internal feature of CalculiX using shell normal edge loads, but limited to free edge only (not collapsible or intersect) and the angle direction always normal to surface of the edges.
in cases of linear shell element and uniform mesh with equally space between node distance, manual definition can be quite easy based on number of nodes. The problem can raise at condition of quadratic element, unequally spaced, some angle direction, etc. It becomes complex and cumbersome in precalculation of input by user.
Hopefully this feature will be available in the future versions of PrePoMax since edge or line loads are commonly used.
Well, PrePoMax already has Normal Shell Edge Load but it’s limited to free edges and normal direction (because it uses the CalculiX feature that you’ve mentioned - EDNORx label for *DLOAD).
A general edge load could be useful, even for solids.
indeed, ‘Normal Shell Edge Loads’ has been implemented in PrePoMax. Previously, i was not properly explained the missing feature of ‘Edge Traction’ similar to ‘Surface Traction’ available.
Surface traction can also be used on free shell edges, where the direction of the load can be entered. It does not work for the internal shell edges, but I forgot why.
Surface traction is defined by a total force, which is divided into point loads so I think it should also work for internal shell edges and solid edges. The question is if it would make more sense to separate it into surface traction and edge traction loads?
Maybe it could be named Traction or even Distributed or Uniform Force (reducing the common confusion with Concentrated Force). Otherwise, separation into Surface Traction and Edge Traction would make sense. After all, Surface Traction suggests that only surfaces can be used (like in Abaqus).