A new developer/preview PrePoMax version v2.1.4 has been released

A new developer/preview version of the PrePoMax contains the following FEM features:

  • added support for buckling reader of the .dat files
  • selection bug fix from the version 2.1.3 dev




Thanks fo the update.
.dat file is empty when performing a Buckling analisys. Should I add something to get the values written there?.


You should now get this by default from Buckling (*BUCKLE) step:


I can’t see it.
Maybe it’s because my buckle step is a perturbation. One should not include self weight (Gravity Loads) into the buckle step as they should not scale as regular loads do.

NOTE: I have reinstall, erase previous versions , create a new analisys and now it writtes the buckling factors into the dat file. Not sure if I was looking at an old working directory or reinstalling make some effect. Anyway, seems solved. :+1:

I have additionally noticed that prepomax don’t ask the user if he wants to save the results before closing and they are not automatically saved.

Can you report the step by step instructions on how to reproduce the problem?

I’m not sure yet if I was looking at an old working directory, reinstalling made some effect or if saving updated the .dat.
I will pay more attention if it happens again.

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