Now where Prepomax can create pyramids, it is also possible to import meshes containing them. Because the Ideas .unv format does not support pyramids, the .inp format can be used (Salome → med → Gmsh → inp → Prepomax). But it seems it allows only linear pyramids C3D5 while Prepomax can also create parabolic pyramids C3D13. Because the Gmsh mesh format seems to support the most element types (including C3D13), i want to suggest if this format can be added as import/export option in Prepomax (especially because parts of Gmsh are already integrated). This would also have the advantage that in Prepomax created meshes, containing 2nd order pyramids, could be exchanged between different .pmx files.
Another one could be the .med file format, it can be used by Freecad and Gmsh and also support parabolic pyramids.
Another thing I just thought of; Gmsh and Salome also offer options for subsequently converting meshes from 1st to 2nd order (or vice versa).
So i want to suggest to integrate this Gmsh option into Prepomax in order to be able to easily convert imported meshes (this would also overcome the linear pyramid limitation of the .inp format).
In this case “Use incomplete elements” must be activated to avoid creating midface-nodes on quadrangles, hexahedral or pyramids.