Static Step incrementation not generated

Hello everyone,

I’m new to PrePoMax. I find the software fantastic and I’ve just installed version V2.0.0 on Windows 10.

I’m trying to perform a simple calculation on Profile.pmx to obtain 10 increments and the corresponding results history. I’ve tried various necessary definitions as described in the tutorials, but I’m unable to obtain the 10 increments.

The line from the inp file is as follows:
*Step, Inc=100
0.1, 10, 1E-05, 0.1

Did I miss a subtlety during the installation? Does anyone else have the same issue with a STATIC job?

Kind regards


It’s not a bug. What you defined is:

  • initial increment: 0.1
  • time period: 10
  • min increment: 1e-5
  • max increment: 0.1

So you will have at least 100 increments here. If it’s a nonlinear analysis because otherwise it can be solved in just a single increment.


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Great! Thank you very much for the explaination!
Kind regards