Simulation of rolling

  1. Apply rigid body constraint to the whole roller to save time. Then symmetry constraint won’t be needed for the roller - just fix its reference point in the Z direction.
  2. Try adding this in the keyword editor to apply initial rotational velocity to the roller:
rot_node_number, 3, magnitude

Of course, you will have to check the number of the ROT NODE of a rigid body constraint in the keyword editor first. Fix the other rotational DOFs of the rigid body reference point.

  1. If you want to apply a load or a boundary condition in such a way that it increases gradually during some time, you have to use the amplitude feature available in PrePoMax.

  2. Ultimately, you will have to use a hyperelastic material model for the rubber.

  3. Dynamic explicit is quite limited and difficult to use in CalculiX but normally it could be the best choice for this type of analysis (if you manage to properly simulate quasi-static conditions). You could also try with a static analysis first. Anyway, don’t forget to enable Nlgeom.

  4. Proper friction definition for contact will be crucial here.

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