2D Axisymmetric Simulation with plastic behavior and contacts

Hello everyone,

I am new with PPM and excuse myself in advance if my problem is obvious.

As mentioned on the title, I am trying to run an 2D axisymmetric static simulation to see the plastic behavior of a sleeve beeing “sandwiched” between a pulled element and a wall. I therefore have plastic materials and contacts on the simulation.

Unfortunately, as soon as I try to run the simulation, I have the Job failed - no results exist error displayed on the monitor. May anyone know where it could come from? Or what is that I am doing wrong?

Unfortunately, as a newbie I am unable to upload my file.

Thank you in advance,

Try running it from the command line (put the .inp file in the same location as the one with CalculiX executable and type ccx_static input_file_name in the command line). The error might be more specific then.

You can share the file using some hosting website like Google Drive, Dropbox or WeTransfer and paste the link here.

Oh,.Good news! .
I thought ccx didn’t have axisymmetric nonlinear material analisys.

Thank you!

It’s likely to be… It cannot open the file (*ERROR in readinput ) on the commande line.

Besides downloading the PPM file (which contains the solver) available on the website, do I have to download/execute any manipulation to get CalculiX working ?

Also, here is the simulation file.

Make sure that you specify the input file name without the extension.

When I submit it from the command line, I get just a few warnings and no errors. It just stops.

The problem is likely caused by the fact that the model is underconstrained - rigid body motions may occur due to insufficient boundary conditions and large gaps in contacts.

For debugging, try fixing the parts and bringing them close together to have initial contact (or even using tied contact), then release individual redundant BCs and allow for more natural contact behavior.

Also, make sure that the model respects the location of the symmetry axis.

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Sorry for the late reply,

I have not written the extension but the problem might come from admin restrictions. I will try running PPM with an other computer. And, then update the constraints and the gaps position.

Thank you to point it out. I searched but could not find any information. There is a tutorial but It does not mention the setting of the used axis or plan.
What are the rules/convention ?

Basically, you have to remember that the axis of symmetry is aligned with the Y axis of the global coordinate system. It can’t be displayed at the moment but you can for example create two reference points with coordinates like (0,y) to locate this axis. Then take into account the assumption of axial symmetry when defining boundary conditions.

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