Settings → Import mesh → Edge angle


¿How does this tool works?.
Some of my shells are imported disconnected and I can’t find information about how to set up this properly.

By other hand, ¿why is this tool required?. I thought the mesh file contains a connectivity matrix and shouldn’t be any doubt if two elements are connected and share a common node or not?.


I have solved it. My fault.
Offset value has no units. It is measured in terms of the shell thickness. I was introducing the value like if it was mm and the shell looked broken due to too much offset. Sorry.

¿Would be nice to have a second option where the value is input in the same units as the shell thickness above?.


The unitless value is used to keep the compatibility (same values) with the inp file. All values defined in PrePoMax have the same value in the .inp file.

The tool is meant to look for the feature angles. The outer surface of the mesh is split into surfaces by edges. This enables geometry based selection. The edges are not included in the mesh file, so they need to be generated. If there is no CAD information about the geometry edges, the edges are determined based on the angles between the neighbouring finite elements.