Thicken shell mesh at sharp corner

i’m trying new improvement of shell mesh extrusion at sharp corner in the latest development version (v2.0.3), the result shown properly for edge end nodes. However, all internal nodes between them are subducted such as result of keep model edge deactivates.

Can you pleasevshare the file.

previously i’m using Stl surface based files, change to Step file with offset option as positive value of half thickness solved the problem. However, a zero offset and negative value still produced collides element but corner edges represent well by straight line, not subducted.

attached original Stl based files, thank you.

shellcornersharp.pmx (58.4 KB)

Thank you for the file. I was able to find and fix the problem.

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But increasing the shell thickness over some threshold will always lead to a faulty mesh on the inside edge corners. The thicknen shell mesh feature namely changes only the first element touching the edge. With increasing thickness the internal most finite element becomes shorter and shorter until it has a 0 length.

only want to confirm, this problem has been fixed in latest development (v2.0.4) versions, thank you. Some problem may still exist for extreme sharp corner e.g equal triangle (60deg) and probably a limitation.

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