Revolve plane mesh with Quasi-structured quad as base

currently a normal extrusion of a shell in plane and curved geometry has been implemented by the feature of “Thicken Shell Mesh”, it’s potential and great (many thanks). Some feature which commonly used is missing, maybe known by many as “Revolve Plane Mesh”. There’s a similar feature available in PrePoMax named “Revolve Mesh”, but it has some limitation in Quasi-Structured Quad is not allowed.

2024-02-02 11_41_11-Error

Below example problem demonstrated a current workflow. Another algorithm of Frontal-Delaunay for quads still can be use, but some wedge element is generated and known not good in performance of linear element. Probably, it will almost perfect when Quasi-Structured Quad being used as the base of plane mesh. A full hexahedral element with good pattern is possible to produce, so a linear hexahedral (incompatible) or less fined quadratic hexahedral element can be use and probably given acceptable and comparable results.

element type : C3D8I,& C3D6 (4384 nodes, 3495 element)

element type : C3D10 (19263 nodes, 11138 element)

element type : C3D20R & C3D15 (16590 nodes, 3495 element)

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another observation of mesh pattern (quality) importance. In case of linear element type and mixed element: refine the mesh, node increased is not always represent accurate model.

probably, it does not happen when using full hexahedral element by revolving plane mesh generated from Quasi-structured quad as base. Thank you.

element type: C3D8I & C3D6 (5838 nodes, 4745 element)

element type: C3D8I & C3D6 (8912 nodes, 7455 element)