Result Comparison With Abaqus

By remarking that discrepancy, I refer that maybe our result is not accurate enough yet and we are just talking about a discretization or different time step problem.
Some advanced software’s do “things” behind the user’s eyes.

By other hand, I have been thinking about fixing different degrees of freedom on the REF node too but that is solving a different problem.
Recall rotations are done around the ref node.

Calc_em pointed that REF node in ABAQUS is a unique point with 6 degrees of freedom. If Ref node is free to move and effectively it moves, it may also induce some additional rotation.

Maybe we should compare both solvers with the ref fixed to see if the difference is still there.

EDITED: I have compute “by hand” the overall moment on the support with Mecway and the result is as expected.

There is something weird in ccx when computing the SOM.

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Okay, but what I wonder most about is, why there is such a huge difference in Abaqus between the stress values of S11?

Abaqus (without membrane elements):

  Element Label          Int        S.S11        S.S22        S.S33
                        Pt       @Loc 1       @Loc 1       @Loc 1
         5134            1         0.18          2.1         1.41
         5134            2      0.00586         2.18          1.5
         5134            3        0.511         2.05         1.13
         5134            4        0.401          2.1         1.19
         5134            5        0.552         1.69         1.45
         5134            6        0.423         1.74         1.53
         5134            7        0.847         1.59         1.25
         5134            8        0.788         1.61         1.29